What We Do
The Belmont Historical Society offers a diverse set of activities:
- Newsletter. A newsletter has been published quarterly since 1966 and is mailed to all members of the Society.
- Programs. Each month from September through May (with the exception of January) the Society offers an event that is open to the public. Typical programs are lectures about historical topics, tours of historical buildings in Belmont or the Greater Boston area, a holiday-themed event in December, and visits to historical resource centers such as the National Archives facility in Waltham, Massachusetts.
- Scholarship. Each year the Society awards a scholarship to a graduating senior from Belmont High School. To learn more about this scholarship and to see a list of the past recipients, click here.
- Historic Preservation Award. Each year the Society presents an award (the Belmont Historical Society David R. Johnson Preservation Award, named after a long-time member and officer of the Society) to one or more individuals or organizations that have made a notable contribution to preserving structures or land in the town. The nomination process for the 2018 awards is now open — click here for details about the award program, a list of previous winners, and the application form for 2018 awards.
- School Class Visits. The Society welcomes elementary school classes to the Claflin Room for an introduction to the history of their town. Read more about the most recent visit by second graders from the Wellington School.