Historic Happenings
This section of our website will present “Historic Happenings” for the Town of Belmont. These are reports of interesting and significant events prepared by the Belmont Historical Society Curator based upon source materials in our collection of documents, records, images, and other memorabilia. The first two reports are available now, and more will be added.
Belmont And The Civil War We are in the midst of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. During the past several years the Belmont Historical Society has presented several programs and exhibits covering various aspects of that conflict, and more are in the planning stage. Click here to learn more about the nature of Belmont’s involvement and some of the residents who fought in that conflict.
100th Anniversary Of The Payson Park Church The Payson Park Church at the corner of Payson Road and Belmont Street was founded on June 3, 1913. On November 3, 2013, members and friends gathered for a worship service and luncheon to celebrate the 100th anniversary. Click here to see highlight’s of the church’s history and the anniversary celebration.