Letter To Mary Marsh
Charles Marsh Letter, August 14, 1862
Charles Viles Marsh was one of 10 children born to Mansur and Louisa Marsh, a prominent Belmont family. He enlisted as a private in the 15th Massachusetts Infantry Volunteer Regiment, Company C, in August 1862, about a year after his younger brother Private Lewis Marsh had joined the 2nd Battery of the Massachusetts Light Artillery. This is his first letter to his sister Mary after he arrived in camp:
Camp Wool
August 14, 1862
To Miss Mary Marsh
Belmont Massachusetts
Dear Sister,
I sit down to write you a few lines to let you know where we are and what we are about. We were all mustered in this forenoon all four of us. The report now is that we leave this place Saturday for Camp Cameron. There are now something less than 50 in our tent but they all leave here tomorrow at 8 o’clock except those belonging to the 15th Regiment. There were 23 men in this tent last night. I have just learned that it is possible that we may go tomorrow, but not probable.
The Captain says that we shall get a furlough of four days after we get to Camp Cameron. (Good)
I can’t think of anything more to write.
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